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The non-governmental organisations' portal NGO.PL is an independent, expert, non-governmental medium. 

NGO.PL is the largest, globally unique and specialised portal designed to support civil society organisations, providing them with information, legal and compliance expertise and dealing with independent, public interest journalism online on social issues. 

It has been operating since 2000, has a monthly average (2021) of almost 400,000 users, and is recognised by over 80% of Polish NGOs.

In line with its editorial philosophy, NGO.PL offers news on social life in Poland (e.g. events across the country, invitations, actions, grant competitions), advisory information (e.g. changes in legislation, formal and legal articles, educational service on how to run an NGO) and journalistic texts (columns, opinions, interviews, reports and others) on social issues. 

The content is created both by the editorial staff (internal authors) and commissioned from external authors. News are added in large part independently by users - social activists from all over the country. Each day publishes about 80 news items on average. 

Twice a week, we send a newsletter with news to over 40,000 recipients. Social media channels are an important part of the information system: we run profiles on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube.

 The portal's target group are mainly NGO leaders in Poland and representatives of institutions supporting their activities, including local government, socially responsible companies, media).