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What entities are included in the third (voluntary) sector?
The third sector is made up of organizations that are neither for-profit (non-profit) nor part of the state structure, and in this sense are “non-governmental”.
There are several names for third sector organizations in Polish. They are referred to as:
- non-governmental organizations [organizacje pozarządowe]
- social organizations, [organizacje społeczne]
- NGOs (short for non-governmental organizations)
- non-profit organizations,
- voluntary organizations [organizacje ochotnicze]
- civic organizations [organizacje obywatelskie
- independent organizations [organizacje niezależne]
- public interest organizations [organizacje użyteczności publicznej]
Worldwide, these can also be referred to as: civil society organizations (CSOs) or charitable organizations. The sector itself is often called the voluntary sector or independent sector (though in Poland, the name third sector has become customary).
Third sector organizations can use various legal forms in Poland. The most common are:
- foundations
- associations (including, but not limited to, volunteer fire departments and sports clubs).
As well as less numerous groups of organizations:
- organizations operating under separate regulations, such as the Polish Red Cross, the Polish Association of Allotment Owners, hunters' associations, social committees (e.g., social committees for the construction of roads, water supply systems)
- associations of local government units
- social cooperatives
- companies operating not for profit
- political parties
- trade unions
- professional associations
- federations and confederations of employers
- chambers of commerce
- chambers of crafts
- church organizations
- farmers' unions, farmers' associations and rural housewives' associations
- groups such as neighborhood clubs or support groups, mutual aid groups